JavaScript | What are Tuples and How to Use Them (examples)

If you have a Python background, you must have come across one of the four main built-in data types called Tuples used to store multiple items in a single variable. Previously, we didn’t have tuples in JavaScript, and programmers had to use various methods like array destructuring to play the role of tuples. But that … Read more

Rust | Difference Between iter(), iter_mut(), into_iter()

Rust iterators are data structures that contain a sequence of objects and allow the programmer to iterate them efficiently. However, like most things in Rust, iterators have a steep learning curve. The primary functions and concepts can be daunting, but don’t worry, we are here to do our absolute best to explain them. All three … Read more

Rust | Println! Doesn’t Work in Unit Tests (Solved)

If you are new to Rust programming language, there is a chance you are experiencing a deep learning curve in understanding how the programming language works. On top of that, you start writing your first couple of unit tests and suddenly realize that the logs from using the print or println! macro are not displayed … Read more

Can You Learn TypeScript Without JavaScript? (Should You?)

TypeScript is a programming language that can be used to create robust, well-organized code. It’s popular among developers for its clear syntax and ability to communicate type information to other developers. However, TypeScript is reliant on JavaScript, so can you learn it without learning JavaScript first? You can learn TypeScript without JavaScript. However, it’s much … Read more