Rust | Println! Doesn’t Work in Unit Tests (Solved)

If you are new to Rust programming language, there is a chance you are experiencing a deep learning curve in understanding how the programming language works. On top of that, you start writing your first couple of unit tests and suddenly realize that the logs from using the print or println! macro are not displayed in the terminal.

To fix println! not showing logs when running succesful unit tests, pass the --show-ouput flag at the moment of executing the command to run tests cargo test. Hence, the new command to run tests and display logs generated from using the println macro is cargo test -- --show-output.

cargo test -- --show-output

Let’s look at the following example. We have a simple display_text function that only displays a log of a &str using println!, and returns a &"Text displayed".

fn main() {
    display_text("Hello World!");


fn display_text(text: &str) -> &str {
    println!("Displaying Text {0}", text);

    &"Text displayed"

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn test_display_text() {
        println!("Running test on display_text function");
        assert_eq!(display_text("Hello!"), "Text displayed")

Notice there is a test to test the display_text function that checks whether the returned &str is “Text displayed”.

Running the standard cargo test command will give us the following result.

$ cargo test
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.23s
     Running unittests (target\debug\deps\rust_playground-afbcb92314fac06b.exe)

running 1 test
test test::test_display_text ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.06s

Notice the logs that should have been generated from println!("Displaying Text {0}", text); and println!("Running test on display_text function"); are not visible. Luckily, now that we know about the --show-output flag, we can get the outputs in the terminal similar to the following:

$ cargo test --  --show-output
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.24s
     Running unittests (target\debug\deps\rust_playground-afbcb92314fac06b.exe)

running 1 test
test test::test_display_text ... ok


---- test::test_display_text stdout ----
Running test on display_text function
Displaying Text Hello!


test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.06s

Another way to discover the --show-output flag

If this is not your first time seeing the --show-output flag, there is a probability you discovered it by using the --helpcommand to find out about all the different options available when running tests.

Hence, if you run cargo test -- --help, the terminal will display all the options.

                        Run ignored and not ignored tests
        --ignored       Run only ignored tests
                        Forces tests to run in-process when panic=abort
                        Excludes tests marked as should_panic
        --test          Run tests and not benchmarks
        --bench         Run benchmarks instead of tests
        --list          List all tests and benchmarks
    -h, --help          Display this message
        --logfile PATH  Write logs to the specified file
        --nocapture     don't capture stdout/stderr of each task, allow
                        printing directly
        --test-threads n_threads
                        Number of threads used for running tests in parallel
        --skip FILTER   Skip tests whose names contain FILTER (this flag can
                        be used multiple times)
    -q, --quiet         Display one character per test instead of one line.
                        Alias to --format=terse
        --exact         Exactly match filters rather than by substring
        --color auto|always|never
                        Configure coloring of output:
                        auto = colorize if stdout is a tty and tests are run
                        on serially (default);
                        always = always colorize output;
                        never = never colorize output;
        --format pretty|terse|json|junit
                        Configure formatting of output:
                        pretty = Print verbose output;
                        terse = Display one character per test;
                        json = Output a json document;
                        junit = Output a JUnit document
        --show-output   Show captured stdout of successful tests
    -Z unstable-options Enable nightly-only flags:
                        unstable-options = Allow use of experimental features
        --report-time [plain|colored]
                        Show execution time of each test. Available values:
                        plain = do not colorize the execution time (default);
                        colored = colorize output according to the `color`
                        parameter value;
                        Threshold values for colorized output can be
                        configured via
                        `RUST_TEST_TIME_DOCTEST` environment variables.
                        Expected format of environment variable is
                        Durations must be specified in milliseconds, e.g.
                        `500,2000` means that the warn time
                        is 0.5 seconds, and the critical time is 2 seconds.
                        Not available for --format=terse
        --ensure-time   Treat excess of the test execution time limit as
                        Threshold values for this option can be configured via
                        `RUST_TEST_TIME_DOCTEST` environment variables.
                        Expected format of environment variable is
                        `CRITICAL_TIME` here means the limit that should not
                        be exceeded by test.
        --shuffle       Run tests in random order
        --shuffle-seed SEED
                        Run tests in random order; seed the random number
                        generator with SEED

Notice option --show-output says Show captured stdout of successful tests. In other words, show logs in the terminal from executing succesful tests.

Why does Rust not show the output by default when executing successful unit tests?

While there isn’t an official statement from the Rust team, it is said among the community of Rust developers that Rust hides the logs generated when running unit tests to keep the final output clean to easily identify successful tests.

This can be new for programmers coming from a different background such as JavaScript where no matter whether you are running a test, logging using console.log displays the output in the terminal without the need of passing a flag like --show-output in Rust.

Failing tests display the logs from println! macro by default

If you haven’t noticed by now, we have been saying logs from println! macro doesn’t show by default when executing succesful tests. However, this is not the case when executing failing tests.

If we add a test we know will fail such as the following

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn gtest_display_text() {
        assert_eq!(display_text("Hello!"), "FAILING!")

and run cargo test you will see the log “BAD” is displayed in the terminal.

$ cargo test
   Compiling rust_playground v0.1.0 (C:\Users\andry\Repos\blog-articles\rust_playground)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.99s
     Running unittests (target\debug\deps\rust_playground-afbcb92314fac06b.exe)

running 1 test
test test::gtest_display_text ... FAILED


---- test::gtest_display_text stdout ----
Displaying Text Hello!
thread 'test::gtest_display_text' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `"Text displayed"`,
 right: `"FAILING!"`', src\
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace


test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.06s

error: test failed, to rerun pass '--bin rust_playground'

This was confirmed by Mara Bos who is part of the Rust team at the moment of writing this article.