JavaScript | What are Tuples and How to Use Them (examples)

If you have a Python background, you must have come across one of the four main built-in data types called Tuples used to store multiple items in a single variable. Previously, we didn’t have tuples in JavaScript, and programmers had to use various methods like array destructuring to play the role of tuples. But that … Read more

Can You Learn TypeScript Without JavaScript? (Should You?)

TypeScript is a programming language that can be used to create robust, well-organized code. It’s popular among developers for its clear syntax and ability to communicate type information to other developers. However, TypeScript is reliant on JavaScript, so can you learn it without learning JavaScript first? You can learn TypeScript without JavaScript. However, it’s much … Read more

11 Reasons Why People Hate JavaScript (and You Might Too)

JavaScript has always been a bit of a love-it-or-hate-it language. People seem to either really enjoy working with it or really despise it. As one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world, JavaScript has attracted its fair share of criticism and derision from developers who would rather use other languages. … Read more

11 Jobs You Can Realistically Get if You Learn JavaScript

When you think of great programming languages to learn, JavaScript is likely among the first that come to mind. After all, it’s used on millions of websites and is popular with both developers and employers. If you know JavaScript, you can get plenty of jobs where your skills will make you a commodity. Here’s a … Read more

How Much JavaScript Do You Realistically Need To Get a Job?

JavaScript is a ubiquitous programming language used in millions of websites, web apps, and mobile apps. If you’re a JavaScript developer or aspire to be one, learning the basics can lead to a lucrative career. To get a job as a JavaScript developer, you realistically only need to have a good understanding of the language. … Read more

15 Bad Things About JavaScript That None Tells You

JavaScript is a versatile and flexible language used for various applications, both on the web and in standalone desktop or mobile programs. However, like other programming languages, it comes with several drawbacks every developer should know. So, what are the bad things about JavaScript that experienced developers don’t talk about? Here are 15 bad things … Read more

Will JavaScript Become Obsolete? What Is Its Future?

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, used by millions of developers to create websites and web applications. However, with the advent of new languages like Web Assembly and TypeScript, there’s a growing discussion about whether or not JavaScript will soon become obsolete. JavaScript is not likely to become obsolete … Read more

How To Break a forEach() Loop in TypeScript/JavaScript

The array forEach() method is commonly used among TypeScript and JavaScript developers. However, developers often come across unexpected behaviors trying to exit or break the forEach() method using the break keyword to prevent executing any additional logic to subsequent elements of an array. For instance, if we try to run the following example: Unfortunately, this … Read more