What Does Sandbox Mean in Software Development/Programming?

Sandbox is a very popular term in computer security. You have probably seen or heard in movies where a character says – “let’s run this malware in a sandbox and see what it’s doing.” However, did you know that developers also use sandboxes in software development?

A sandbox in software development is a safe testing environment that is isolated from other applications where you can run your programs. This testing environment is configured to mimic the production environment so you can see how the program would behave in the production environment.

With the help of a sandbox, developers can test an application or an update in an isolated environment without affecting the real-world project. But what are the exact benefits of using sandboxes? How do you go about setting up a sandbox in software development? How does sandboxing work?

This post will answer all those questions and many more.

What is Sandboxing?

The word sandbox is derived from the sandboxes/ sandpits, containers filled with sand for children to play with. Instead of setting up a real playground which would be costly and time-consuming, these sandboxes simulate an environment where children can play as they would outside.

Sandboxes in software development work in a similar way. They simulate an environment where you can run applications without interfering with other programs or the operating system.

Use Cases of Sandboxes in Software Development

Below are some of the scenarios where you can make use of sandboxing in software development.

Development Sandboxes

Developers need a fast feedback cycle to improve productivity and meet the set timelines. Instead of wasting time waiting for a build server to compile and build the code and push the change to the production environment, developers can have a sandbox setup on their local machines.

A development sandbox will enable them to easily test updates and changes in their code without interfering with any application in production. This local sandbox includes all the components required to run the app in production, including databases and environmental variables.

Project Integration Sandboxes

A project integration sandbox enables developers to coordinate all of the project’s components, including its procedures and associated systems, to ensure that a project is successfully completed. If a project runs as expected in this sandbox, it can now proceed to the QA sandbox.

Demo Sandboxes

When an application is first launched, or a new feature is introduced, developers may use demo sandboxes to give access to only a few selected individuals. These people will test the application before the final release to the masses.

Production Environment Sandboxes

This refers to the environment where the final code for the application is running. The code is deployed here after going through a series of tests in different sandboxes.

Sandboxing Techniques

Now that you know the various sandboxing use cases, below are the different techniques you can use to set up sandboxes for software development.

Branching in Version Control

One of the most popular methods of simulating sandboxes is branching into version control systems like GitHub or Bitbucket.

After creating a repository for your project, you can set up two branches – the main branch that handles the production code and the staging branch, which is used to test code before it’s pushed to production (main branch). The staging branch, in this case, acts like a sandbox for testing code without affecting the app in production.

Sandbox Programs

There are various sandboxing programs that create a safe environment for you to test your applications. One of the most popular is Sandboxie for Windows OS users. This program also enables you to manage multiple sandboxes on the same machine. Other sandboxing programs include  SHADE, Turbo.net and BitBox.

Virtual Machine (VM)

Virtual Machines (VMs) are a little more sophisticated than sandboxing programs. VMs enable you to run an operating system (virtual machine) inside your current operating system using software like VMware, Virtualbox, QEMU etc.

VM sandboxes come in handy when developing software for different platforms. For example, if you are writing code using a Linux machine, you can set up a Windows VM where your can test how your code will run on Windows machines.


Containers enable you to package an application with its dependencies and libraries, allowing you to move the app from one machine to another easily. You don’t have to worry about the dependencies since they are shipped with the container. One of the most popular containerization software is Docker.

Built-In Operating System Sandboxes

Most operating systems come with a built-in sandbox environment where you can install and run an application together with its dependencies. In Windows, you can use the Windows Sandbox. macOS users can use the Apple Sandbox, while Linux users can use seccomp-BPF.


In software development, sandboxing comes quite in handy when testing new features before merging them with the application already in production. This post has given you a comprehensive guide on sandboxes and the various techniques you can use to set up sandboxes for software development.

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